22 Dive is a basic play that allows you to quickly dive into the middle of the defense. With good timing and chemistry between the Quarterback and Running Back, you may be able to get the ball up into the line of scrimmage before the linebackers have recognized that it is a quick dive play.

This play performs best against teams who stack the outside of the formation with their best players.  If they want to take away the outside sweep, then send the ball up into the heart of the defense to carve out some yards in the middle of the field.


Formation:  I Formation

Play Type:  Run Play

Featured Position:  Running Back


Finding the right hole in the defensive front is one of the most important aspects of finding the weakness in any particular defense.  The “4 Hole” is often times the best place to start prodding for potential weaknesses because you can alter your approach more to the inside or more to the outside as needed.

Utilize the blocking combination between your Guard and Tackle to create space for your Running Back to puncture through the strong side of the line.


Formation:  I Formation

Play Type:  Run Play

Featured Position:  Running Back


Going of the outside shoulder of the Offensive Tackle make this a wider play, but not quite a sweep. This wide trajectory may tempt the defense to overrun the flow of the play.

Therefore, teach your Running Back to carry a wide line towards the outside of the Offensive Tackle, while looking for any opportunity to stick their foot in the ground and cut hard back against the grain when space opens up.


Formation:  I Formation

Play Type:  Run Play

Featured Position:  Running Back


Youth football defenses often times can get in the bad habit of getting sucked inside as you pound the ball up the middle.  This is when you can take advantage and get to the outside as fast as you can with this 28 Sweep play.

Work hard practicing the pitch between the Quarterback and the Running Back, so that you will safely take care of the ball, and so that the Running Back can get a head start in his sprint to the sideline.


Formation:  I Formation

Play Type:  Run Play

Featured Position:  Running Back


23 Counter is a great way to go against the grain of the defense by baiting them into flowing towards the strong side of the offense before cutting back and taking the ball to the weak side of the defense.

Teach your Running Back to make a few convincing jab steps the side, before cutting back hard and finding his blockers creating a hole for him on the other side.


Formation:  I Formation

Play Type:  Run Play

Featured Position:  Running Back


The 25 Cutback play is a higher risk higher reward type play due to the fact that it requires more maneuvering in the backfield before the Running Back can make his way up field.  If the defense gets through the line quick, it will result in a tackle for a loss, but if you set it up properly, it could go for a big gain.

In order for successful execution of this play, you must set the defense up by lulling them into sleep with the 24 Blast play.  Then, you call the 25 Cutback play, which is designed to look exactly like 24 Blast, until the Running Back cuts back and finds an opening on the other side of the field.


Formation:  I Formation

Play Type:  Run Play

Featured Position:  Running Back


Use 29 Weak Sweep as a leverage play depending on how the defense lines up.  If their formation begins to favor the strong side of the field, a quick pitch to the weak side could get your speedy Running Back around the outside and up the sideline for a big gain.

The Weak Sweep is a quick hitting play that should only be called after you have noticed that the defense is continually lining up too far inside towards on the strong side of the field.


Formation:  I Formation

Play Type:  Run Play

Featured Position:  Running Back


A great play selection for a misdirection play to the strong side of the formation.  Teach the running back to make a hard jab step to the side to throw off the pursuit of the linebackers, then follow the blockers leading the way to the wide end of the line.


Formation:  I Formation

Play Type:  Run Play

Featured Position:  Running Back


Implement back-to-back fake hand-offs to throw off the defense.  Fire the backs quickly at the inside holes, faking to one and handing it off to the other with a flurry of backfield action in hopes that the linebackers can not track down the real runner.

Use this as a great companion play with 32 Double Dive to always keep the defense second guessing the true location of the ball.


Formation:  I Formation

Play Type:  Run Play

Featured Position:  Running Back


Implement back-to-back fake hand-offs to throw off the defense.  Fire the backs quickly at the inside holes, faking to one and handing it off to the other with a flurry of backfield action in hopes that the linebackers can not track down the real runner.

Use this as a great companion play with 21 Double Dive to always keep the defense second guessing the true location of the ball.


Formation:  I Formation

Play Type:  Run Play

Featured Position:  Running Back


Dive quickly into the middle of the field with this quick give to the Fullback.   It can either be used as a simple way to grind up the middle in a short yardage situation, or as a way to surprise them for a chunk of yards against a team with a soft defensive interior.


Formation:  I Formation

Play Type:  Run Play

Featured Position:  Fullback


Throw the defense off by faking an outside pitch to your Running Back running wide, before subtly handing it off inside to your Fullback diving into the 2 Hole.

A good play fake by your Quarterback selling the fake pitch will be crucial to the success of this play.  If you can tempt the linebackers to flow hard outside, there could be a major vacancy in the middle of the field to run the ball.


Formation:  I Formation

Play Type:  Run Play

Featured Position:  Fullback


A quick counter to the Fullback can help puncture a hole in the interior of the defense.  The movement of the Backs to one side will confuse the defense until the ball is quickly handed back the other way to the cutting Fullback headed to the other side.

Allow the Quarterback to continue faking a run towards the Running Back, while the ball is being carried by the Fullback the other way.


Formation:  I Formation

Play Type:  Run Play

Featured Position:  Fullback


The QB Sneak is a surprisingly effective Youth Football Play that is incredibly overlooked.  It should not be relegated to only goal line situations, because it can be effective to catch tired linebackers off guard to pick up an easy 3-5 yards in midfield with relatively zero risk of a major downside.


Formation:  I Formation

Play Type:  Run Play

Featured Position:  Quarterback


The QB Sweep is the best way to get your athletic Quarterback out into the open.  Not only does it place your QB in the open field, but this sweep play provides multiple blockers to run out in front of him as lead blockers.

Usually your Quarterback will be one of the more football savvy players, so he should be able to have a good chance to read the blocks as he finds his way to the outside and maneuver downfield.


Formation:  I Formation

Play Type:  Run Play

Featured Position:  Quarterback


The Quarterback should take a five-step drop and linger in an upright passing position until his backs have passed in front of his line of sight.  Once his backs are in front of him as lead blockers, he should stick his back foot in the ground and drive down hard behind them, looking for where the hole is naturally opening up in the center of the line of scrimmage.

A good pass fake can create some space and separation at the line of scrimmage as the defensive backfield backs up in fear of a downfield pass.


Formation:  I Formation

Play Type:  Run Play

Featured Position:  Quarterback


The key to this play is to set it up with repeated successful QB Sweeps.  Once the defense is over pursuing to the outside in order to catch the Quarterback on the sideline, call the QB Power play to take advantage of their over pursuit.

The Quarterback should begin his trajectory as if he is rolling out for a wide sweep, but then plant his foot hard in the ground and cut straight upfield towards the line and behind the pursuit of the defenders.


Formation:  I Formation

Play Type:  Run Play

Featured Position:  Quarterback


This is one of the most high risk high reward running plays in the entire playbook.  If you can bait the defense into getting sucked into the middle by running consecutive inside run plays, then pull out the QB Naked and hope that the entire defense crashes inside after a great fake hand-off to the Running Back.

The Quarterback may find himself all alone on the other side of the field, running up the sideline and into the end zone with nobody around to tackle him.


Formation:  I Formation

Play Type:  Run Play,  Trick Play

Featured Position:  Quarterback


This play gives the defense a look that they are not familiar with.  It is a simple blocking concept for the offensive line, but it throws a new look in the backfield to get the ball in the hands of a new play maker with lead blockers out in front of him.

The motion behind the line of scrimmage may bait the defense into thinking it is a reverse, right when the Wingback cuts up into the middle of the field.


Formation:  I Formation

Play Type:  Run Play

Featured Position:  Wingback


Send the play flying to the other direction with a Reverse.  Utilize the speed of your Wingback and the lead blocking of your backs to seal the edge and to get outside and up the sideline.

Speed and timing are the names of the game for this play!


Formation:  I Formation

Play Type:  Run Play,  Trick Play

Featured Position:  Wingback


If you can implement a successful WR Reverse into your offense, then the WR Reverse Pass play can be a deadly addition.  Once you have the defense scared about the reverse to your speedy Wingback, then you can sneak behind them for an almost automatic touchdown by having the Wingback slow down and throw a pass over their heads.


Formation:  I Formation

Play Type:  Pass Play,  Trick Play

Featured Position:  Wingback,  Tight End


Get the ball to the outside quickly with nicely executed out routes.  With your receivers out in the open field, if they can successfully catch the pass, there will only be one defender standing between them and the end zone.


Formation:  I Formation

Play Type:  Pass Play

Featured Position:  Quarterback,  Wingback,  Tight End


After you have properly set up the defense with consecutive Quick Out play calls, go for the home run with a double move by calling an Out & Up.

Keep the Quarterback protected long enough for the Receiver to make his way down the sideline and get ready for one of the most exciting throws of the game!


Formation:  I Formation

Play Type:  Pass Play,  Trick Play

Featured Position:  Quarterback,  Wingback


Start off your passing tree with the most basic of route concepts; the five yard Stop.  The hardest part of passing the ball in youth football is the limited amount of time the Quarterback has to throw before he is sacked.  This will not be a problem for the Stops play where the Quarterback will get the ball out of his hands quick after a three step drop.


Formation:  I Formation

Play Type:  Pass Play

Featured Position:  Quarterback,  Wingback,  Tight End


Use this double move to throw up a deep ball after the defense has started cheating close in on the stop routes.  The keys to this play are a good explosion up field by the receiver after the fake stop, and an accurate throw over the top from the Quarterback.


Formation:  I Formation

Play Type:  Pass Play,  Trick Play

Featured Position:  Quarterback,  Wingback


Send a flood to the outside by rolling out your Quarterback to the sideline along with Receivers flowing outside along with him.

The Quarterback will have three options on this play: 1) Throw a Quick out to the Wingback, 2) Throw a Deep Corner to the Tight End, or 3) Keep the ball and run it down the sideline.


Formation:  I Formation

Play Type:  Pass Play

Featured Position:  Quarterback,  Wingback,  Tight End


The Hurricane play is a variation of the Flood play where the roles of the Receivers are swapped in order implement the same roll out passing concept, while still giving the defense a different look to keep them on their toes.

The Quarterback has three options on this play: 1) Throw a Quick out to the Tight End, 2) Throw a Deep Corner to the Wingback, or 3) Keep the ball and run it down the sideline.



Formation:  I Formation

Play Type:  Pass Play

Featured Position:  Quarterback,  Wingback,  Tight End


After you set up the defense with multiple rollout passing plays, or Quarterback sweep running plays, hit them with this amazing trick play.  The Rollout Throwback plays tempts the defense to flow across with the overall direction of the play.

Once the defense vacates the weak side of the field, your Tight End will release from his fake block and be the only player left standing on the other side of the field.


Formation:  I Formation

Play Type:  Pass Play,  Trick Play

Featured Position:  Quarterback,  Tight End


Swings is a great play to get your speedy backs to the outside of the field.  Even though it is a short pass, the Quarterback must deliver the ball with precision to the outside so that the back can catch it with his momentum carrying him up field.

Practicing the timing and execution of this play in practice can result in explosive results in games!


Formation:  I Formation

Play Type:  Pass Play

Featured Position:  Quarterback,  Running Back,  Fullback


Fake a run up the middle to suck the defense down into the middle of the field, and then throw the ball outside and over their heads with this killer Play Action passing play.

Execute a quick fake hand-off before the throw and the defense won’t know what hit them.


Formation:  I Formation

Play Type:  Pass Play

Featured Position:  Quarterback,  Wingback


This is a useful play to get your play makers into the open field so that they can use their talents in space.  Fake a run up the gut of the defense to tempt them into crashing towards the middle, and then toss the ball out wide into the flats.

A good play fake will keep the linebackers in the middle of the field while your backs bounce outside and into the open for a short, high percentage reception on the outside.


Formation:  I Formation

Play Type:  Pass Play

Featured Position:  Quarterback,  Running Back,  Fullback


Make a nice Play Action run fake up the middle before popping back to throw it over the heads of the entire defense on a deep fly route.  The defense will think twice before they charge up at the next run play up the middle.

Take this play to the next level by coaching your Wingback to hesitate with a fake block for just a second before exploding deep on his route.


Formation:  I Formation

Play Type:  Pass Play

Featured Position:  Quarterback,  Wingback


Shallow Cross is a great way to confuse the defense while still providing your team with a short pass that has a high probability for completion.  With two receivers crossing through the middle of the field, often times there will be at least one of them that breaks free into open space on the other side of the field.  Devoting the rest of the team to pass blocking should give your Quarterback enough time to find the open receiver and throw him the ball.


Formation:  I Formation

Play Type:  Pass Play

Featured Position:  Quarterback,  Wingback,  Tight End


Create leverage on the deep safety by making him choose between the two deep seam routes running into the second level. The safety won’t be able to guard both seam routes at the same time, so coach the Quarterback to take a 5-step drop and then deliver the ball to the receiver who is open downfield.


Formation:  I Formation

Play Type:  Pass Play

Featured Position:  Quarterback,  Wingback,  Tight End


Running double corner routes is the best way to stretch the defensive secondary to its absolute limits.  Pick on the weakest corner back by throwing the ball up to his side, and let your play makers take advantage of their athleticism on this attempt for a big chunk of yards.


Formation:  I Formation

Play Type:  Pass Play

Featured Position:  Quarterback,  Wingback,  Tight End


Get your play makers to the outside quickly by running a quick flat route.  This play should result in a high completion rate, as well as, vast open space for your athletes to operate in once they haul in the pass.

For an added benefit, clear out even more space on the field, by having your Wingback run a seam downfield to draw the attention away from your backs running towards to flats.


Formation:  I Formation

Play Type:  Pass Play

Featured Position:  Quarterback,  Running Back,  Fullback


The RB Sweep Pass is one of the most lethal trick plays possible if you have a Running Back that can throw the ball.

Set up the play by making the backfield action look exactly like 28 Sweep.  Then, when the entire defense is crashing down towards the sweep, have the Running Back settle down and throw up a ball to the Wingback who should be wide open behind everyone downfield.


Formation:  I Formation

Play Type:  Pass Play,  Trick Play

Featured Position:  Running Back,  Wingback


The RB Sweep Throwback is a deadly trick play for when you have the unique combination of a Running Back who can throw and a Quarterback who can catch.

Set up the play to look like a normal Sweep, but slyly send your QB to the empty side of the field after he pitches the ball.  If the Running Back has time to stop his momentum and throw the ball back across the field to the Quarterback, you can almost surely count on adding points to the scoreboard.


Formation:  I Formation

Play Type:  Pass Play,  Trick Play

Featured Position:  Quarterback,  Running Back


This variation of the Hail Mary play sends all the receivers to the same place in the middle of the field in order to give the Quarterback a wide splash down area to throw the ball.

In a desperation situation, chuck up the ball as high and as far as you can in hopes that one of your own players comes down with it.


Formation:  I Formation

Play Type:  Pass Play

Featured Position:  Quarterback,  Wingback,  Tight End


This variation of the Hail Mary play preys on youth players’ tendency to follow the pack.  Send all of your players on vertical routes to the right side of the field as a mass decoy, and slip your speedy Running Back out towards the left sideline.

Your odds of a successful Hail Mary are incredibly low, but this Hail Mary Solo play vastly increases your chances if you can sneak your Running Back out into space and get him the ball all alone.


Formation:  I Formation

Play Type:  Pass Play

Featured Position:  Quarterback,  Running Back










Pro Formation


22 Dive is a basic play that allows you to quickly dive into the middle of the defense. With good timing and chemistry between the Quarterback and Running Back, you may be able to get the ball up into the line of scrimmage before the linebackers have recognized that it is a quick dive play.

This play performs best against teams who stack the outside of the formation with their best players.  If they want to take away the outside sweep, then send the ball up into the heart of the defense to carve out some yards in the middle of the field.


Formation:  Pro Formation

Play Type:  Run Play

Featured Position:  Running Back


Finding the right hole in the defensive front is one of the most important aspects of finding the weakness in any particular defense.  The “4 Hole” is often times the best place to start prodding for potential weaknesses because you can alter your approach more to the inside or more to the outside as needed.

Utilize the blocking combination between your Guard and Tackle to create space for your Running Back to puncture through the strong side of the line.


Formation:  Pro Formation

Play Type:  Run Play

Featured Position:  Running Back


Going of the outside shoulder of the Offensive Tackle make this a wider play, but not quite a sweep. This wide trajectory may tempt the defense to overrun the flow of the play.

Therefore, teach your Running Back to carry a wide line towards the outside of the Offensive Tackle, while looking for any opportunity to stick their foot in the ground and cut hard back against the grain when space opens up.


Formation:  Pro Formation

Play Type:  Run Play

Featured Position:  Running Back


Youth football defenses often times can get in the bad habit of getting sucked inside as you pound the ball up the middle.  This is when you can take advantage and get to the outside as fast as you can with this 28 Sweep play.

Work hard practicing the pitch between the Quarterback and the Running Back, so that you will safely take care of the ball, and so that the Running Back can get a head start in his sprint to the sideline.


Formation:  Pro Formation

Play Type:  Run Play

Featured Position:  Running Back


23 Counter is a great way to go against the grain of the defense by baiting them into flowing towards the strong side of the offense before cutting back and taking the ball to the weak side of the defense.

Teach your Running Back to make a few convincing jab steps the side, before cutting back hard and finding his blockers creating a hole for him on the other side.


Formation:  Pro Formation

Play Type:  Run Play

Featured Position:  Running Back


The 25 Cutback play is a higher risk higher reward type play due to the fact that it requires more maneuvering in the backfield before the Running Back can make his way up field.  If the defense gets through the line quick, it will result in a tackle for a loss, but if you set it up properly, it could go for a big gain.

In order for successful execution of this play, you must set the defense up by lulling them into sleep with the 24 Blast play.  Then, you call the 25 Cutback play, which is designed to look exactly like 24 Blast, until the Running Back cuts back and finds an opening on the other side of the field.


Formation:  Pro Formation

Play Type:  Run Play

Featured Position:  Running Back


Use 29 Weak Sweep as a leverage play depending on how the defense lines up.  If their formation begins to favor the strong side of the field, a quick pitch to the weak side could get your speedy Running Back around the outside and up the sideline for a big gain.

The Weak Sweep is a quick hitting play that should only be called after you have noticed that the defense is continually lining up too far inside towards on the strong side of the field.


Formation:  Pro Formation

Play Type:  Run Play

Featured Position:  Running Back


A great play selection for a misdirection play to the strong side of the formation.  Teach the running back to make a hard jab step to the side to throw off the pursuit of the linebackers, then follow the blockers leading the way to the wide end of the line.


Formation:  Pro Formation

Play Type:  Run Play

Featured Position:  Running Back


Implement back-to-back fake hand-offs to throw off the defense.  Fire the backs quickly at the inside holes, faking to one and handing it off to the other with a flurry of backfield action in hopes that the linebackers can not track down the real runner.

Use this as a great companion play with 32 Double Dive to always keep the defense second guessing the true location of the ball.


Formation:  Pro Formation

Play Type:  Run Play

Featured Position:  Running Back


Implement back-to-back fake hand-offs to throw off the defense.  Fire the backs quickly at the inside holes, faking to one and handing it off to the other with a flurry of backfield action in hopes that the linebackers can not track down the real runner.

Use this as a great companion play with 21 Double Dive to always keep the defense second guessing the true location of the ball.


Formation:  Pro Formation

Play Type:  Run Play

Featured Position:  Running Back


Dive quickly into the middle of the field with this quick give to the Fullback.   It can either be used as a simple way to grind up the middle in a short yardage situation, or as a way to surprise them for a chunk of yards against a team with a soft defensive interior.


Formation:  Pro Formation

Play Type:  Run Play

Featured Position:  Fullback


Throw the defense off by faking an outside pitch to your Running Back running wide, before subtly handing it off inside to your Fullback diving into the 2 Hole.

A good play fake by your Quarterback selling the fake pitch will be crucial to the success of this play.  If you can tempt the linebackers to flow hard outside, there could be a major vacancy in the middle of the field to run the ball.


Formation:  Pro Formation

Play Type:  Run Play

Featured Position:  Fullback


A quick counter to the Fullback can help puncture a hole in the interior of the defense.  The movement of the Backs to one side will confuse the defense until the ball is quickly handed back the other way to the cutting Fullback headed to the other side.

Allow the Quarterback to continue faking a run towards the Running Back, while the ball is being carried by the Fullback the other way.


Formation:  Pro Formation

Play Type:  Run Play

Featured Position:  Fullback


The QB Sneak is a surprisingly effective Youth Football Play that is incredibly overlooked.  It should not be relegated to only goal line situations, because it can be effective to catch tired linebackers off guard to pick up an easy 3-5 yards in midfield with relatively zero risk of a major downside.


Formation:  Pro Formation

Play Type:  Run Play

Featured Position:  Quarterback


The QB Sweep is the best way to get your athletic Quarterback out into the open.  Not only does it place your QB in the open field, but this sweep play provides multiple blockers to run out in front of him as lead blockers.

Usually your Quarterback will be one of the more football savvy players, so he should be able to have a good chance to read the blocks as he finds his way to the outside and maneuver downfield.


Formation:  Pro Formation

Play Type:  Run Play

Featured Position:  Quarterback


The Quarterback should take a five-step drop and linger in an upright passing position until his backs have passed in front of his line of sight.  Once his backs are in front of him as lead blockers, he should stick his back foot in the ground and drive down hard behind them, looking for where the hole is naturally opening up in the center of the line of scrimmage.

A good pass fake can create some space and separation at the line of scrimmage as the defensive backfield backs up in fear of a downfield pass.


Formation:  Pro Formation

Play Type:  Run Play

Featured Position:  Quarterback


The key to this play is to set it up with repeated successful QB Sweeps.  Once the defense is over pursuing to the outside in order to catch the Quarterback on the sideline, call the QB Power play to take advantage of their over pursuit.

The Quarterback should begin his trajectory as if he is rolling out for a wide sweep, but then plant his foot hard in the ground and cut straight upfield towards the line and behind the pursuit of the defenders.


Formation:  Pro Formation

Play Type:  Run Play

Featured Position:  Quarterback


This is one of the most high risk high reward running plays in the entire playbook.  If you can bait the defense into getting sucked into the middle by running consecutive inside run plays, then pull out the QB Naked and hope that the entire defense crashes inside after a great fake hand-off to the Running Back.

The Quarterback may find himself all alone on the other side of the field, running up the sideline and into the end zone with nobody around to tackle him.


Formation:  Pro Formation

Play Type:  Run Play,  Trick Play

Featured Position:  Quarterback


This play gives the defense a look that they are not familiar with.  It is a simple blocking concept for the offensive line, but it throws a new look in the backfield to get the ball in the hands of a new play maker with lead blockers out in front of him.

The motion behind the line of scrimmage may bait the defense into thinking it is a reverse, right when the Wingback cuts up into the middle of the field.


Formation:  Pro Formation

Play Type:  Run Play

Featured Position:  Wingback


Send the play flying to the other direction with a Reverse.  Utilize the speed of your Wingback and the lead blocking of your backs to seal the edge and to get outside and up the sideline.

Speed and timing are the names of the game for this play!


Formation:  Pro Formation

Play Type:  Run Play,  Trick Play

Featured Position:  Wingback


If you can implement a successful WR Reverse into your offense, then the WR Reverse Pass play can be a deadly addition.  Once you have the defense scared about the reverse to your speedy Wingback, then you can sneak behind them for an almost automatic touchdown by having the Wingback slow down and throw a pass over their heads.


Formation:  Pro Formation

Play Type:  Pass Play,  Trick Play

Featured Position:  Wingback,  Tight End


Get the ball to the outside quickly with nicely executed out routes.  With your receivers out in the open field, if they can successfully catch the pass, there will only be one defender standing between them and the end zone.


Formation:  Pro Formation

Play Type:  Pass Play

Featured Position:  Quarterback,  Wingback,  Tight End


After you have properly set up the defense with consecutive Quick Out play calls, go for the home run with a double move by calling an Out & Up.

Keep the Quarterback protected long enough for the Receiver to make his way down the sideline and get ready for one of the most exciting throws of the game!


Formation:  Pro Formation

Play Type:  Pass Play,  Trick Play

Featured Position:  Quarterback,  Wingback


Start off your passing tree with the most basic of route concepts; the five yard Stop.  The hardest part of passing the ball in youth football is the limited amount of time the Quarterback has to throw before he is sacked.  This will not be a problem for the Stops play where the Quarterback will get the ball out of his hands quick after a three step drop.


Formation:  Pro Formation

Play Type:  Pass Play

Featured Position:  Quarterback,  Wingback,  Tight End


Use this double move to throw up a deep ball after the defense has started cheating close in on the stop routes.  The keys to this play are a good explosion up field by the receiver after the fake stop, and an accurate throw over the top from the Quarterback.


Formation:  Pro Formation

Play Type:  Pass Play,  Trick Play

Featured Position:  Quarterback,  Wingback


Send a flood to the outside by rolling out your Quarterback to the sideline along with Receivers flowing outside along with him.

The Quarterback will have three options on this play: 1) Throw a Quick out to the Wingback, 2) Throw a Deep Corner to the Tight End, or 3) Keep the ball and run it down the sideline.


Formation:  Pro Formation

Play Type:  Pass Play

Featured Position:  Quarterback,  Wingback,  Tight End


The Hurricane play is a variation of the Flood play where the roles of the Receivers are swapped in order implement the same roll out passing concept, while still giving the defense a different look to keep them on their toes.

The Quarterback has three options on this play: 1) Throw a Quick out to the Tight End, 2) Throw a Deep Corner to the Wingback, or 3) Keep the ball and run it down the sideline.



Formation:  Pro Formation

Play Type:  Pass Play

Featured Position:  Quarterback,  Wingback,  Tight End


After you set up the defense with multiple rollout passing plays, or Quarterback sweep running plays, hit them with this amazing trick play.  The Rollout Throwback plays tempts the defense to flow across with the overall direction of the play.

Once the defense vacates the weak side of the field, your Tight End will release from his fake block and be the only player left standing on the other side of the field.


Formation:  Pro Formation

Play Type:  Pass Play,  Trick Play

Featured Position:  Quarterback,  Tight End


Swings is a great play to get your speedy backs to the outside of the field.  Even though it is a short pass, the Quarterback must deliver the ball with precision to the outside so that the back can catch it with his momentum carrying him up field.

Practicing the timing and execution of this play in practice can result in explosive results in games!


Formation:  Pro Formation

Play Type:  Pass Play

Featured Position:  Quarterback,  Running Back,  Fullback


Fake a run up the middle to suck the defense down into the middle of the field, and then throw the ball outside and over their heads with this killer Play Action passing play.

Execute a quick fake hand-off before the throw and the defense won’t know what hit them.


Formation:  Pro Formation

Play Type:  Pass Play

Featured Position:  Quarterback,  Wingback


This is a useful play to get your play makers into the open field so that they can use their talents in space.  Fake a run up the gut of the defense to tempt them into crashing towards the middle, and then toss the ball out wide into the flats.

A good play fake will keep the linebackers in the middle of the field while your backs bounce outside and into the open for a short, high percentage reception on the outside.


Formation:  Pro Formation

Play Type:  Pass Play

Featured Position:  Quarterback,  Running Back,  Fullback


Make a nice Play Action run fake up the middle before popping back to throw it over the heads of the entire defense on a deep fly route.  The defense will think twice before they charge up at the next run play up the middle.

Take this play to the next level by coaching your Wingback to hesitate with a fake block for just a second before exploding deep on his route.


Formation:  Pro Formation

Play Type:  Pass Play

Featured Position:  Quarterback,  Wingback


Shallow Cross is a great way to confuse the defense while still providing your team with a short pass that has a high probability for completion.  With two receivers crossing through the middle of the field, often times there will be at least one of them that breaks free into open space on the other side of the field.  Devoting the rest of the team to pass blocking should give your Quarterback enough time to find the open receiver and throw him the ball.


Formation:  Pro Formation

Play Type:  Pass Play

Featured Position:  Quarterback,  Wingback,  Tight End


Create leverage on the deep safety by making him choose between the two deep seam routes running into the second level. The safety won’t be able to guard both seam routes at the same time, so coach the Quarterback to take a 5-step drop and then deliver the ball to the receiver who is open downfield.


Formation:  Pro Formation

Play Type:  Pass Play

Featured Position:  Quarterback,  Wingback,  Tight End


Running double corner routes is the best way to stretch the defensive secondary to its absolute limits.  Pick on the weakest corner back by throwing the ball up to his side, and let your play makers take advantage of their athleticism on this attempt for a big chunk of yards.


Formation:  Pro Formation

Play Type:  Pass Play

Featured Position:  Quarterback,  Wingback,  Tight End


Get your play makers to the outside quickly by running a quick flat route.  This play should result in a high completion rate, as well as, vast open space for your athletes to operate in once they haul in the pass.

For an added benefit, clear out even more space on the field, by having your Wingback run a seam downfield to draw the attention away from your backs running towards to flats.


Formation:  Pro Formation

Play Type:  Pass Play

Featured Position:  Quarterback,  Running Back,  Fullback


The RB Sweep Pass is one of the most lethal trick plays possible if you have a Running Back that can throw the ball.

Set up the play by making the backfield action look exactly like 28 Sweep.  Then, when the entire defense is crashing down towards the sweep, have the Running Back settle down and throw up a ball to the Wingback who should be wide open behind everyone downfield.


Formation:  Pro Formation

Play Type:  Pass Play,  Trick Play

Featured Position:  Running Back,  Wingback


The RB Sweep Throwback is a deadly trick play for when you have the unique combination of a Running Back who can throw and a Quarterback who can catch.

Set up the play to look like a normal Sweep, but slyly send your QB to the empty side of the field after he pitches the ball.  If the Running Back has time to stop his momentum and throw the ball back across the field to the Quarterback, you can almost surely count on adding points to the scoreboard.


Formation:  Pro Formation

Play Type:  Pass Play,  Trick Play

Featured Position:  Quarterback,  Running Back


This variation of the Hail Mary play sends all the receivers to the same place in the middle of the field in order to give the Quarterback a wide splash down area to throw the ball.

In a desperation situation, chuck up the ball as high and as far as you can in hopes that one of your own players comes down with it.


Formation:  Pro Formation

Play Type:  Pass Play

Featured Position:  Quarterback,  Wingback,  Tight End


This variation of the Hail Mary play preys on youth players’ tendency to follow the pack.  Send all of your players on vertical routes to the right side of the field as a mass decoy, and slip your speedy Running Back out towards the left sideline.

Your odds of a successful Hail Mary are incredibly low, but this Hail Mary Solo play vastly increases your chances if you can sneak your Running Back out into space and get him the ball all alone.


Formation:  Pro Formation

Play Type:  Pass Play

Featured Position:  Quarterback,  Running Back










Wishbone Formation


22 Dive is a basic play that allows you to quickly dive into the middle of the defense. With good timing and chemistry between the Quarterback and Running Back, you may be able to get the ball up into the line of scrimmage before the linebackers have recognized that it is a quick dive play.

This play performs best against teams who stack the outside of the formation with their best players.  If they want to take away the outside sweep, then send the ball up into the heart of the defense to carve out some yards in the middle of the field.


Formation:  Wishbone Formation

Play Type:  Run Play

Featured Position:  Running Back


Finding the right hole in the defensive front is one of the most important aspects of finding the weakness in any particular defense.  The “4 Hole” is often times the best place to start prodding for potential weaknesses because you can alter your approach more to the inside or more to the outside as needed.

Utilize the blocking combination between your Guard and Tackle to create space for your Running Back to puncture through the strong side of the line.


Formation:  Wishbone Formation

Play Type:  Run Play

Featured Position:  Running Back


Going of the outside shoulder of the Offensive Tackle make this a wider play, but not quite a sweep. This wide trajectory may tempt the defense to overrun the flow of the play.

Therefore, teach your Running Back to carry a wide line towards the outside of the Offensive Tackle, while looking for any opportunity to stick their foot in the ground and cut hard back against the grain when space opens up.


Formation:  Wishbone Formation

Play Type:  Run Play

Featured Position:  Running Back


Youth football defenses often times can get in the bad habit of getting sucked inside as you pound the ball up the middle.  This is when you can take advantage and get to the outside as fast as you can with this 28 Sweep play.

Work hard practicing the pitch between the Quarterback and the Running Back, so that you will safely take care of the ball, and so that the Running Back can get a head start in his sprint to the sideline.


Formation:  Wishbone Formation

Play Type:  Run Play

Featured Position:  Running Back


23 Counter is a great way to go against the grain of the defense by baiting them into flowing towards the strong side of the offense before cutting back and taking the ball to the weak side of the defense.

Teach your Running Back to make a few convincing jab steps the side, before cutting back hard and finding his blockers creating a hole for him on the other side.


Formation:  Wishbone Formation

Play Type:  Run Play

Featured Position:  Running Back


The 25 Cutback play is a higher risk higher reward type play due to the fact that it requires more maneuvering in the backfield before the Running Back can make his way up field.  If the defense gets through the line quick, it will result in a tackle for a loss, but if you set it up properly, it could go for a big gain.

In order for successful execution of this play, you must set the defense up by lulling them into sleep with the 24 Blast play.  Then, you call the 25 Cutback play, which is designed to look exactly like 24 Blast, until the Running Back cuts back and finds an opening on the other side of the field.


Formation:  Wishbone Formation

Play Type:  Run Play

Featured Position:  Running Back


Use 29 Weak Sweep as a leverage play depending on how the defense lines up.  If their formation begins to favor the strong side of the field, a quick pitch to the weak side could get your speedy Running Back around the outside and up the sideline for a big gain.

The Weak Sweep is a quick hitting play that should only be called after you have noticed that the defense is continually lining up too far inside towards on the strong side of the field.


Formation:  Wishbone Formation

Play Type:  Run Play

Featured Position:  Running Back


A great play selection for a misdirection play to the strong side of the formation.  Teach the running back to make a hard jab step to the side to throw off the pursuit of the linebackers, then follow the blockers leading the way to the wide end of the line.


Formation:  Wishbone Formation

Play Type:  Run Play

Featured Position:  Running Back


Implement back-to-back fake hand-offs to throw off the defense.  Fire the backs quickly at the inside holes, faking to one and handing it off to the other with a flurry of backfield action in hopes that the linebackers can not track down the real runner.

Use this as a great companion play with 32 Double Dive to always keep the defense second guessing the true location of the ball.


Formation:  Wishbone Formation

Play Type:  Run Play

Featured Position:  Running Back


Implement back-to-back fake hand-offs to throw off the defense.  Fire the backs quickly at the inside holes, faking to one and handing it off to the other with a flurry of backfield action in hopes that the linebackers can not track down the real runner.

Use this as a great companion play with 21 Double Dive to always keep the defense second guessing the true location of the ball.


Formation:  Wishbone Formation

Play Type:  Run Play

Featured Position:  Running Back


Dive quickly into the middle of the field with this quick give to the Fullback.   It can either be used as a simple way to grind up the middle in a short yardage situation, or as a way to surprise them for a chunk of yards against a team with a soft defensive interior.


Formation:  Wishbone Formation

Play Type:  Run Play

Featured Position:  Fullback


Throw the defense off by faking an outside pitch to your Running Back running wide, before subtly handing it off inside to your Fullback diving into the 2 Hole.

A good play fake by your Quarterback selling the fake pitch will be crucial to the success of this play.  If you can tempt the linebackers to flow hard outside, there could be a major vacancy in the middle of the field to run the ball.


Formation:  Wishbone Formation

Play Type:  Run Play

Featured Position:  Fullback


A quick counter to the Fullback can help puncture a hole in the interior of the defense.  The movement of the Backs to one side will confuse the defense until the ball is quickly handed back the other way to the cutting Fullback headed to the other side.

Allow the Quarterback to continue faking a run towards the Running Back, while the ball is being carried by the Fullback the other way.


Formation:  Wishbone Formation

Play Type:  Run Play

Featured Position:  Fullback


The QB Sneak is a surprisingly effective Youth Football Play that is incredibly overlooked.  It should not be relegated to only goal line situations, because it can be effective to catch tired linebackers off guard to pick up an easy 3-5 yards in midfield with relatively zero risk of a major downside.


Formation:  Wishbone Formation

Play Type:  Run Play

Featured Position:  Quarterback


The QB Sweep is the best way to get your athletic Quarterback out into the open.  Not only does it place your QB in the open field, but this sweep play provides multiple blockers to run out in front of him as lead blockers.

Usually your Quarterback will be one of the more football savvy players, so he should be able to have a good chance to read the blocks as he finds his way to the outside and maneuver downfield.


Formation:  Wishbone Formation

Play Type:  Run Play

Featured Position:  Quarterback


The Quarterback should take a five-step drop and linger in an upright passing position until his backs have passed in front of his line of sight.  Once his backs are in front of him as lead blockers, he should stick his back foot in the ground and drive down hard behind them, looking for where the hole is naturally opening up in the center of the line of scrimmage.

A good pass fake can create some space and separation at the line of scrimmage as the defensive backfield backs up in fear of a downfield pass.


Formation:  Wishbone Formation

Play Type:  Run Play

Featured Position:  Quarterback


The key to this play is to set it up with repeated successful QB Sweeps.  Once the defense is over pursuing to the outside in order to catch the Quarterback on the sideline, call the QB Power play to take advantage of their over pursuit.

The Quarterback should begin his trajectory as if he is rolling out for a wide sweep, but then plant his foot hard in the ground and cut straight upfield towards the line and behind the pursuit of the defenders.


Formation:  Wishbone Formation

Play Type:  Run Play

Featured Position:  Quarterback


This is one of the most high risk high reward running plays in the entire playbook.  If you can bait the defense into getting sucked into the middle by running consecutive inside run plays, then pull out the QB Naked and hope that the entire defense crashes inside after a great fake hand-off to the Running Back.

The Quarterback may find himself all alone on the other side of the field, running up the sideline and into the end zone with nobody around to tackle him.


Formation:  Wishbone Formation

Play Type:  Run Play,  Trick Play

Featured Position:  Quarterback


This play gives the defense a look that they are not familiar with.  It is a simple blocking concept for the offensive line, but it throws a new look in the backfield to get the ball in the hands of a new play maker with lead blockers out in front of him.

The motion behind the line of scrimmage may bait the defense into thinking it is a reverse, right when the Running back cuts up into the middle of the field.


Formation:  Wishbone Formation

Play Type:  Run Play

Featured Position:  Running Back


Send the play flying to the other direction with a Reverse.  Utilize the speed of your second Running Back and the lead blocking of your backs to seal the edge and to get outside and up the sideline.

Speed and timing are the names of the game for this play!


Formation:  Wishbone Formation

Play Type:  Run Play,  Trick Play

Featured Position:  Running Back


If you can implement a successful Reverse into your offense, then the Reverse Pass play can be a deadly addition.  Once you have the defense scared about the reverse to your speedy back, then you can sneak behind them for an almost automatic touchdown by throwing a pass over their heads.


Formation:  Wishbone Formation

Play Type:  Pass Play,  Trick Play

Featured Position:  Running Back,  Tight End


Get the ball to the outside quickly with nicely executed out routes.  With your receivers out in the open field, if they can successfully catch the pass, there will only be one defender standing between them and the end zone.


Formation:  Wishbone Formation

Play Type:  Pass Play

Featured Position:  Quarterback,  Tight End


After you have properly set up the defense with consecutive Quick Out play calls, go for the home run with a double move by calling an Out & Up.

Keep the Quarterback protected long enough for the Receiver to make his way down the sideline and get ready for one of the most exciting throws of the game!


Formation:  Wishbone Formation

Play Type:  Pass Play,  Trick Play

Featured Position:  Quarterback,  Wingback


Start off your passing tree with the most basic of route concepts; the five yard Stop.  The hardest part of passing the ball in youth football is the limited amount of time the Quarterback has to throw before he is sacked.  This will not be a problem for the Stops play where the Quarterback will get the ball out of his hands quick after a three step drop.


Formation:  Wishbone Formation

Play Type:  Pass Play

Featured Position:  Quarterback,  Wingback,  Tight End


Use this double move to throw up a deep ball after the defense has started cheating close in on the stop routes.  The keys to this play are a good explosion up field by the receiver after the fake stop, and an accurate throw over the top from the Quarterback.


Formation:  Wishbone Formation

Play Type:  Pass Play,  Trick Play

Featured Position:  Quarterback,  Wingback


Send a flood to the outside by rolling out your Quarterback to the sideline along with Receivers flowing outside along with him.

The Quarterback will have two options on this play: 1) Throw a Quick out to the Tight End, or 2) Keep the ball and run it down the sideline.


Formation:  Wishbone Formation

Play Type:  Pass Play

Featured Position:  Quarterback,  Tight End


The Hurricane play is a variation of the Flood play where the roles of the Receivers are swapped in order implement the same roll out passing concept, while still giving the defense a different look to keep them on their toes.

The Quarterback has two options on this play: 1) Throw a Deep Corner to the Tight End, or 2) Keep the ball and run it down the sideline.



Formation:  Wishbone Formation

Play Type:  Pass Play

Featured Position:  Quarterback,  Tight End


After you set up the defense with multiple rollout passing plays, or Quarterback sweep running plays, hit them with this amazing trick play.  The Rollout Throwback plays tempts the defense to flow across with the overall direction of the play.

Once the defense vacates the weak side of the field, your Tight End will release from his fake block and be the only player left standing on the other side of the field.


Formation:  Wishbone Formation

Play Type:  Pass Play,  Trick Play

Featured Position:  Quarterback,  Tight End


Swings is a great play to get your speedy backs to the outside of the field.  Even though it is a short pass, the Quarterback must deliver the ball with precision to the outside so that the back can catch it with his momentum carrying him up field.

Practicing the timing and execution of this play in practice can result in explosive results in games!


Formation:  Wishbone Formation

Play Type:  Pass Play

Featured Position:  Quarterback,  Running Back,  Fullback


Fake a run up the middle to suck the defense down into the middle of the field, and then throw the ball outside and over their heads with this killer Play Action passing play.

Execute a quick fake hand-off before the throw and the defense won’t know what hit them.


Formation:  Wishbone Formation

Play Type:  Pass Play

Featured Position:  Quarterback,  Tight End


This is a useful play to get your play makers into the open field so that they can use their talents in space.  Fake a run up the gut of the defense to tempt them into crashing towards the middle, and then toss the ball out wide into the flats.

A good play fake will keep the linebackers in the middle of the field while your backs bounce outside and into the open for a short, high percentage reception on the outside.


Formation:  Wishbone Formation

Play Type:  Pass Play

Featured Position:  Quarterback,  Running Back,  Fullback


Make a nice Play Action run fake up the middle before popping back to throw it over the heads of the entire defense on a deep fly route.  The defense will think twice before they charge up at the next run play up the middle.

Take this play to the next level by coaching your Tight End to hesitate with a fake block for just a second before exploding deep on his route.


Formation:  Wishbone Formation

Play Type:  Pass Play

Featured Position:  Quarterback,  Tight End


Shallow Cross is a great way to confuse the defense while still providing your team with a short pass that has a high probability for completion.  With two receivers crossing through the middle of the field, often times there will be at least one of them that breaks free into open space on the other side of the field.  Devoting the rest of the team to pass blocking should give your Quarterback enough time to find the open receiver and throw him the ball.


Formation:  Wishbone Formation

Play Type:  Pass Play

Featured Position:  Quarterback,  Tight End


Create leverage on the deep safety by making him choose between the two deep seam routes running into the second level. The safety won’t be able to guard both seam routes at the same time, so coach the Quarterback to take a 5-step drop and then deliver the ball to the receiver who is open downfield.


Formation:  Wishbone Formation

Play Type:  Pass Play

Featured Position:  Quarterback,  Tight End


Running double corner routes is the best way to stretch the defensive secondary to its absolute limits.  Pick on the weakest corner back by throwing the ball up to his side, and let your play makers take advantage of their athleticism on this attempt for a big chunk of yards.


Formation:  Wishbone Formation

Play Type:  Pass Play

Featured Position:  Quarterback,  Tight End


Get your play makers to the outside quickly by running a quick flat route.  This play should result in a high completion rate, as well as, vast open space for your athletes to operate in once they haul in the pass.

For an added benefit, clear out even more space on the field, by having your Tight End run a seam downfield to draw the attention away from your backs running towards to flats.


Formation:  Wishbone Formation

Play Type:  Pass Play

Featured Position:  Quarterback,  Running Back,  Fullback


The RB Sweep Pass is one of the most lethal trick plays possible if you have a Running Back that can throw the ball.

Set up the play by making the backfield action look exactly like 28 Sweep.  Then, when the entire defense is crashing down towards the sweep, have the Running Back settle down and throw up a ball to the Tight End who should be wide open behind everyone downfield.


Formation:  Wishbone Formation

Play Type:  Pass Play,  Trick Play

Featured Position:  Running Back,  Tight End


The RB Sweep Throwback is a deadly trick play for when you have the unique combination of a Running Back who can throw and a Quarterback who can catch.

Set up the play to look like a normal Sweep, but slyly send your QB to the empty side of the field after he pitches the ball.  If the Running Back has time to stop his momentum and throw the ball back across the field to the Quarterback, you can almost surely count on adding points to the scoreboard.


Formation:  Wishbone Formation

Play Type:  Pass Play,  Trick Play

Featured Position:  Quarterback,  Running Back


This variation of the Hail Mary play sends all the receivers to the same place in the middle of the field in order to give the Quarterback a wide splash down area to throw the ball.

In a desperation situation, chuck up the ball as high and as far as you can in hopes that one of your own players comes down with it.


Formation:  Wishbone Formation

Play Type:  Pass Play

Featured Position:  Quarterback,  Tight End


This variation of the Hail Mary play preys on youth players’ tendency to follow the pack.  Send all of your players on vertical routes to the right side of the field as a mass decoy, and slip your speedy Running Back out towards the left sideline.

Your odds of a successful Hail Mary are incredibly low, but this Hail Mary Solo play vastly increases your chances if you can sneak your Running Back out into space and get him the ball all alone.


Formation:  Wishbone Formation

Play Type:  Pass Play

Featured Position:  Quarterback,  Running Back










Wing-T Formation


22 Dive is a basic play that allows you to quickly dive into the middle of the defense. With good timing and chemistry between the Quarterback and Running Back, you may be able to get the ball up into the line of scrimmage before the linebackers have recognized that it is a quick dive play.

This play performs best against teams who stack the outside of the formation with their best players.  If they want to take away the outside sweep, then send the ball up into the heart of the defense to carve out some yards in the middle of the field.


Formation:  Wing-T Formation

Play Type:  Run Play

Featured Position:  Running Back


Finding the right hole in the defensive front is one of the most important aspects of finding the weakness in any particular defense.  The “4 Hole” is often times the best place to start prodding for potential weaknesses because you can alter your approach more to the inside or more to the outside as needed.

Utilize the blocking combination between your Guard and Tackle to create space for your Running Back to puncture through the strong side of the line.


Formation:  Wing-T Formation

Play Type:  Run Play

Featured Position:  Running Back


Going of the outside shoulder of the Offensive Tackle make this a wider play, but not quite a sweep. This wide trajectory may tempt the defense to overrun the flow of the play.

Therefore, teach your Running Back to carry a wide line towards the outside of the Offensive Tackle, while looking for any opportunity to stick their foot in the ground and cut hard back against the grain when space opens up.


Formation:  Wing-T Formation

Play Type:  Run Play

Featured Position:  Running Back


Youth football defenses often times can get in the bad habit of getting sucked inside as you pound the ball up the middle.  This is when you can take advantage and get to the outside as fast as you can with this 28 Sweep play.

Work hard practicing the pitch between the Quarterback and the Running Back, so that you will safely take care of the ball, and so that the Running Back can get a head start in his sprint to the sideline.


Formation:  Wing-T Formation

Play Type:  Run Play

Featured Position:  Running Back


23 Counter is a great way to go against the grain of the defense by baiting them into flowing towards the strong side of the offense before cutting back and taking the ball to the weak side of the defense.

Teach your Running Back to make a few convincing jab steps the side, before cutting back hard and finding his blockers creating a hole for him on the other side.


Formation:  Wing-T Formation

Play Type:  Run Play

Featured Position:  Running Back


The 25 Cutback play is a higher risk higher reward type play due to the fact that it requires more maneuvering in the backfield before the Running Back can make his way up field.  If the defense gets through the line quick, it will result in a tackle for a loss, but if you set it up properly, it could go for a big gain.

In order for successful execution of this play, you must set the defense up by lulling them into sleep with the 24 Blast play.  Then, you call the 25 Cutback play, which is designed to look exactly like 24 Blast, until the Running Back cuts back and finds an opening on the other side of the field.


Formation:  Wing-T Formation

Play Type:  Run Play

Featured Position:  Running Back


Use 29 Weak Sweep as a leverage play depending on how the defense lines up.  If their formation begins to favor the strong side of the field, a quick pitch to the weak side could get your speedy Running Back around the outside and up the sideline for a big gain.

The Weak Sweep is a quick hitting play that should only be called after you have noticed that the defense is continually lining up too far inside towards on the strong side of the field.


Formation:  Wing-T Formation

Play Type:  Run Play

Featured Position:  Running Back


A great play selection for a misdirection play to the strong side of the formation.  Teach the running back to make a hard jab step to the side to throw off the pursuit of the linebackers, then follow the blockers leading the way to the wide end of the line.


Formation:  Wing-T Formation

Play Type:  Run Play

Featured Position:  Running Back


Implement back-to-back fake hand-offs to throw off the defense.  Fire the backs quickly at the inside holes, faking to one and handing it off to the other with a flurry of backfield action in hopes that the linebackers can not track down the real runner.

Use this as a great companion play with 32 Double Dive to always keep the defense second guessing the true location of the ball.


Formation:  Wing-T Formation

Play Type:  Run Play

Featured Position:  Running Back


Implement back-to-back fake hand-offs to throw off the defense.  Fire the backs quickly at the inside holes, faking to one and handing it off to the other with a flurry of backfield action in hopes that the linebackers can not track down the real runner.

Use this as a great companion play with 21 Double Dive to always keep the defense second guessing the true location of the ball.


Formation:  Wing-T Formation

Play Type:  Run Play

Featured Position:  Running Back


Dive quickly into the middle of the field with this quick give to the Wingback.   It can either be used as a simple way to grind up the middle in a short yardage situation, or as a way to surprise them for a chunk of yards against a team with a soft defensive interior.


Formation:  Wing-T Formation

Play Type:  Run Play

Featured Position:  Wingback


Throw the defense off by faking an outside pitch to your Running Back running wide, before subtly handing it off inside to your Wingback diving into the 2 Hole.

A good play fake by your Quarterback selling the fake pitch will be crucial to the success of this play.  If you can tempt the linebackers to flow hard outside, there could be a major vacancy in the middle of the field to run the ball.


Formation:  Wing-T Formation

Play Type:  Run Play

Featured Position:  Wingback


A quick counter to the Fullback can help puncture a hole in the interior of the defense.  The movement of the Backs to one side will confuse the defense until the ball is quickly handed back the other way to the cutting Wingback headed to the other side.

Allow the Quarterback to continue faking a run towards the Running Back, while the ball is being carried by the Wingback the other way.


Formation:  Wing-T Formation

Play Type:  Run Play

Featured Position:  Wingback


The QB Sneak is a surprisingly effective Youth Football Play that is incredibly overlooked.  It should not be relegated to only goal line situations, because it can be effective to catch tired linebackers off guard to pick up an easy 3-5 yards in midfield with relatively zero risk of a major downside.


Formation:  Wing-T Formation

Play Type:  Run Play

Featured Position:  Quarterback


The QB Sweep is the best way to get your athletic Quarterback out into the open.  Not only does it place your QB in the open field, but this sweep play provides multiple blockers to run out in front of him as lead blockers.

Usually your Quarterback will be one of the more football savvy players, so he should be able to have a good chance to read the blocks as he finds his way to the outside and maneuver downfield.


Formation:  Wing-T Formation

Play Type:  Run Play

Featured Position:  Quarterback


The Quarterback should take a five-step drop and linger in an upright passing position until his backs have passed in front of his line of sight.  Once his backs are in front of him as lead blockers, he should stick his back foot in the ground and drive down hard behind them, looking for where the hole is naturally opening up in the center of the line of scrimmage.

A good pass fake can create some space and separation at the line of scrimmage as the defensive backfield backs up in fear of a downfield pass.


Formation:  Wing-T Formation

Play Type:  Run Play

Featured Position:  Quarterback


The key to this play is to set it up with repeated successful QB Sweeps.  Once the defense is over pursuing to the outside in order to catch the Quarterback on the sideline, call the QB Power play to take advantage of their over pursuit.

The Quarterback should begin his trajectory as if he is rolling out for a wide sweep, but then plant his foot hard in the ground and cut straight upfield towards the line and behind the pursuit of the defenders.


Formation:  Wing-T Formation

Play Type:  Run Play

Featured Position:  Quarterback


This is one of the most high risk high reward running plays in the entire playbook.  If you can bait the defense into getting sucked into the middle by running consecutive inside run plays, then pull out the QB Naked and hope that the entire defense crashes inside after a great fake hand-off to the Running Back.

The Quarterback may find himself all alone on the other side of the field, running up the sideline and into the end zone with nobody around to tackle him.


Formation:  Wing-T Formation

Play Type:  Run Play,  Trick Play

Featured Position:  Quarterback


This play gives the defense a look that they are not familiar with.  It is a simple blocking concept for the offensive line, but it throws a new look in the backfield to get the ball in the hands of a new play maker with lead blockers out in front of him.

The motion behind the line of scrimmage may bait the defense into thinking it is a reverse, right when the Wingback cuts up into the middle of the field.


Formation:  Wing-T Formation

Play Type:  Run Play

Featured Position:  Wingback


Send the play flying to the other direction with a Reverse.  Utilize the speed of your Wingback and the lead blocking of your backs to seal the edge and to get outside and up the sideline.

Speed and timing are the names of the game for this play!


Formation:  Wing-T Formation

Play Type:  Run Play,  Trick Play

Featured Position:  Wingback


If you can implement a successful WR Reverse into your offense, then the WR Reverse Pass play can be a deadly addition.  Once you have the defense scared about the reverse to your speedy Wingback, then you can sneak behind them for an almost automatic touchdown by having the Wingback slow down and throw a pass over their heads.


Formation:  Wing-T Formation

Play Type:  Pass Play,  Trick Play

Featured Position:  Wingback,  Tight End


Get the ball to the outside quickly with nicely executed out routes.  With your receivers out in the open field, if they can successfully catch the pass, there will only be one defender standing between them and the end zone.


Formation:  Wing-T Formation

Play Type:  Pass Play

Featured Position:  Quarterback,  Wingback,  Tight End


After you have properly set up the defense with consecutive Quick Out play calls, go for the home run with a double move by calling an Out & Up.

Keep the Quarterback protected long enough for the Receiver to make his way down the sideline and get ready for one of the most exciting throws of the game!


Formation:  Wing-T Formation

Play Type:  Pass Play,  Trick Play

Featured Position:  Quarterback,  Wingback


Start off your passing tree with the most basic of route concepts; the five yard Stop.  The hardest part of passing the ball in youth football is the limited amount of time the Quarterback has to throw before he is sacked.  This will not be a problem for the Stops play where the Quarterback will get the ball out of his hands quick after a three step drop.


Formation:  Wing-T Formation

Play Type:  Pass Play

Featured Position:  Quarterback,  Wingback,  Tight End


Use this double move to throw up a deep ball after the defense has started cheating close in on the stop routes.  The keys to this play are a good explosion up field by the receiver after the fake stop, and an accurate throw over the top from the Quarterback.


Formation:  Wing-T Formation

Play Type:  Pass Play,  Trick Play

Featured Position:  Quarterback,  Wingback


Send a flood to the outside by rolling out your Quarterback to the sideline along with Receivers flowing outside along with him.

The Quarterback will have three options on this play: 1) Throw a Quick out to the Wingback, 2) Throw a Deep Corner to the Tight End, or 3) Keep the ball and run it down the sideline.


Formation:  Wing-T Formation

Play Type:  Pass Play

Featured Position:  Quarterback,  Wingback,  Tight End


The Hurricane play is a variation of the Flood play where the roles of the Receivers are swapped in order implement the same roll out passing concept, while still giving the defense a different look to keep them on their toes.

The Quarterback has three options on this play: 1) Throw a Quick out to the Tight End, 2) Throw a Deep Corner to the Wingback, or 3) Keep the ball and run it down the sideline.



Formation:  Wing-T Formation

Play Type:  Pass Play

Featured Position:  Quarterback,  Wingback,  Tight End


After you set up the defense with multiple rollout passing plays, or Quarterback sweep running plays, hit them with this amazing trick play.  The Rollout Throwback plays tempts the defense to flow across with the overall direction of the play.

Once the defense vacates the weak side of the field, your Tight End will release from his fake block and be the only player left standing on the other side of the field.


Formation:  Wing-T Formation

Play Type:  Pass Play,  Trick Play

Featured Position:  Quarterback,  Tight End


Swings is a great play to get your speedy back to the outside of the field.  Even though it is a short pass, the Quarterback must deliver the ball with precision to the outside so that the back can catch it with his momentum carrying him up field.

Practicing the timing and execution of this play in practice can result in explosive results in games!


Formation:  Wing-T Formation

Play Type:  Pass Play

Featured Position:  Quarterback,  Running Back


Fake a run up the middle to suck the defense down into the middle of the field, and then throw the ball outside and over their heads with this killer Play Action passing play.

Execute a quick fake hand-off before the throw and the defense won’t know what hit them.


Formation:  Wing-T Formation

Play Type:  Pass Play

Featured Position:  Quarterback,  Wingback


This is a useful play to get your play makers into the open field so that they can use their talents in space.  Fake a run up the gut of the defense to tempt them into crashing towards the middle, and then toss the ball out wide into the flats.

A good play fake will keep the linebackers in the middle of the field while your backs bounce outside and into the open for a short, high percentage reception on the outside.


Formation:  Wing-T Formation

Play Type:  Pass Play

Featured Position:  Quarterback,  Running Back,  Wingback


Make a nice Play Action run fake up the middle before popping back to throw it over the heads of the entire defense on a deep fly route.  The defense will think twice before they charge up at the next run play up the middle.

Take this play to the next level by coaching your Wingback to hesitate with a fake block for just a second before exploding deep on his route.


Formation:  Wing-T Formation

Play Type:  Pass Play

Featured Position:  Quarterback,  Wingback


Shallow Cross is a great way to confuse the defense while still providing your team with a short pass that has a high probability for completion.  With two receivers crossing through the middle of the field, often times there will be at least one of them that breaks free into open space on the other side of the field.  Devoting the rest of the team to pass blocking should give your Quarterback enough time to find the open receiver and throw him the ball.


Formation:  Wing-T Formation

Play Type:  Pass Play

Featured Position:  Quarterback,  Wingback


Create leverage on the deep safety by making him choose between the two deep seam routes running into the second level. The safety won’t be able to guard both seam routes at the same time, so coach the Quarterback to take a 5-step drop and then deliver the ball to the receiver who is open downfield.


Formation:  Wing-T Formation

Play Type:  Pass Play

Featured Position:  Quarterback,  Wingback


Running double corner routes is the best way to stretch the defensive secondary to its absolute limits.  Pick on the weakest corner back by throwing the ball up to his side, and let your play makers take advantage of their athleticism on this attempt for a big chunk of yards.


Formation:  Wing-T Formation

Play Type:  Pass Play

Featured Position:  Quarterback,  Wingback


Get your play makers to the outside quickly by running a quick flat route.  This play should result in a high completion rate, as well as, vast open space for your athletes to operate in once they haul in the pass.

For an added benefit, clear out even more space on the field, by having your Wingback run a seam downfield to draw the attention away from your backs running towards to flats.


Formation:  Wing-T Formation

Play Type:  Pass Play

Featured Position:  Quarterback,  Running Back,  Wingback


The RB Sweep Pass is one of the most lethal trick plays possible if you have a Running Back that can throw the ball.

Set up the play by making the backfield action look exactly like 28 Sweep.  Then, when the entire defense is crashing down towards the sweep, have the Running Back settle down and throw up a ball to the Wingback who should be wide open behind everyone downfield.


Formation:  Wing-T Formation

Play Type:  Pass Play,  Trick Play

Featured Position:  Running Back,  Wingback


The RB Sweep Throwback is a deadly trick play for when you have the unique combination of a Running Back who can throw and a Quarterback who can catch.

Set up the play to look like a normal Sweep, but slyly send your QB to the empty side of the field after he pitches the ball.  If the Running Back has time to stop his momentum and throw the ball back across the field to the Quarterback, you can almost surely count on adding points to the scoreboard.


Formation:  Wing-T Formation

Play Type:  Pass Play,  Trick Play

Featured Position:  Quarterback,  Running Back


This variation of the Hail Mary play sends all the receivers to the same place in the middle of the field in order to give the Quarterback a wide splash down area to throw the ball.

In a desperation situation, chuck up the ball as high and as far as you can in hopes that one of your own players comes down with it.


Formation:  Wing-T Formation

Play Type:  Pass Play

Featured Position:  Quarterback,  Wingback,  Tight End


This variation of the Hail Mary play preys on youth players’ tendency to follow the pack.  Send all of your players on vertical routes to the right side of the field as a mass decoy, and slip your speedy Running Back out towards the left sideline.

Your odds of a successful Hail Mary are incredibly low, but this Hail Mary Solo play vastly increases your chances if you can sneak your Running Back out into space and get him the ball all alone.


Formation:  Wing-T Formation

Play Type:  Pass Play

Featured Position:  Quarterback,  Running Back










Ace Formation


22 Dive is a basic play that allows you to quickly dive into the middle of the defense. With good timing and chemistry between the Quarterback and Running Back, you may be able to get the ball up into the line of scrimmage before the linebackers have recognized that it is a quick dive play.

This play performs best against teams who stack the outside of the formation with their best players.  If they want to take away the outside sweep, then send the ball up into the heart of the defense to carve out some yards in the middle of the field.


Formation:  Ace Formation

Play Type:  Run Play

Featured Position:  Running Back


Finding the right hole in the defensive front is one of the most important aspects of finding the weakness in any particular defense.  The “4 Hole” is often times the best place to start prodding for potential weaknesses because you can alter your approach more to the inside or more to the outside as needed.

Utilize the blocking combination between your Guard and Tackle to create space for your Running Back to puncture through the strong side of the line.


Formation:  Ace Formation

Play Type:  Run Play

Featured Position:  Running Back


Going of the outside shoulder of the Offensive Tackle make this a wider play, but not quite a sweep. This wide trajectory may tempt the defense to overrun the flow of the play.

Therefore, teach your Running Back to carry a wide line towards the outside of the Offensive Tackle, while looking for any opportunity to stick their foot in the ground and cut hard back against the grain when space opens up.


Formation:  Ace Formation

Play Type:  Run Play

Featured Position:  Running Back


Youth football defenses often times can get in the bad habit of getting sucked inside as you pound the ball up the middle.  This is when you can take advantage and get to the outside as fast as you can with this 28 Sweep play.

Work hard practicing the pitch between the Quarterback and the Running Back, so that you will safely take care of the ball, and so that the Running Back can get a head start in his sprint to the sideline.


Formation:  Ace Formation

Play Type:  Run Play

Featured Position:  Running Back


23 Counter is a great way to go against the grain of the defense by baiting them into flowing towards the strong side of the offense before cutting back and taking the ball to the weak side of the defense.

Teach your Running Back to make a few convincing jab steps the side, before cutting back hard and finding his blockers creating a hole for him on the other side.


Formation:  Ace Formation

Play Type:  Run Play

Featured Position:  Running Back


The 25 Cutback play is a higher risk higher reward type play due to the fact that it requires more maneuvering in the backfield before the Running Back can make his way up field.  If the defense gets through the line quick, it will result in a tackle for a loss, but if you set it up properly, it could go for a big gain.

In order for successful execution of this play, you must set the defense up by lulling them into sleep with the 24 Blast play.  Then, you call the 25 Cutback play, which is designed to look exactly like 24 Blast, until the Running Back cuts back and finds an opening on the other side of the field.


Formation:  Ace Formation

Play Type:  Run Play

Featured Position:  Running Back


Use 29 Weak Sweep as a leverage play depending on how the defense lines up.  If their formation begins to favor the strong side of the field, a quick pitch to the weak side could get your speedy Running Back around the outside and up the sideline for a big gain.

The Weak Sweep is a quick hitting play that should only be called after you have noticed that the defense is continually lining up too far inside towards on the strong side of the field.


Formation:  Ace Formation

Play Type:  Run Play

Featured Position:  Running Back


A great play selection for a misdirection play to the strong side of the formation.  Teach the running back to make a hard jab step to the side to throw off the pursuit of the linebackers, then follow the blockers leading the way to the wide end of the line.


Formation:  Ace Formation

Play Type:  Run Play

Featured Position:  Running Back


Implement back-to-back fake hand-offs to throw off the defense.  Fire the backs quickly at the inside holes, faking to one and handing it off to the other with a flurry of backfield action in hopes that the linebackers can not track down the real runner.

Use this as a great companion play with 32 Double Dive to always keep the defense second guessing the true location of the ball.


Formation:  Ace Formation

Play Type:  Run Play

Featured Position:  Running Back


Implement back-to-back fake hand-offs to throw off the defense.  Fire the backs quickly at the inside holes, faking to one and handing it off to the other with a flurry of backfield action in hopes that the linebackers can not track down the real runner.

Use this as a great companion play with 21 Double Dive to always keep the defense second guessing the true location of the ball.


Formation:  Ace Formation

Play Type:  Run Play

Featured Position:  Running Back


Dive quickly into the middle of the field with this quick give to the Wingback.   It can either be used as a simple way to grind up the middle in a short yardage situation, or as a way to surprise them for a chunk of yards against a team with a soft defensive interior.


Formation:  Ace Formation

Play Type:  Run Play

Featured Position:  Wingback


Throw the defense off by faking an outside pitch to your Running Back running wide, before subtly handing it off inside to your Wingback diving into the 2 Hole.

A good play fake by your Quarterback selling the fake pitch will be crucial to the success of this play.  If you can tempt the linebackers to flow hard outside, there could be a major vacancy in the middle of the field to run the ball.


Formation:  Ace Formation

Play Type:  Run Play

Featured Position:  Wingback


A quick counter to the Fullback can help puncture a hole in the interior of the defense.  The movement of the Backs to one side will confuse the defense until the ball is quickly handed back the other way to the cutting Wingback headed to the other side.

Allow the Quarterback to continue faking a run towards the Running Back, while the ball is being carried by the Wingback the other way.


Formation:  Ace Formation

Play Type:  Run Play

Featured Position:  Wingback


The QB Sneak is a surprisingly effective Youth Football Play that is incredibly overlooked.  It should not be relegated to only goal line situations, because it can be effective to catch tired linebackers off guard to pick up an easy 3-5 yards in midfield with relatively zero risk of a major downside.


Formation:  Ace Formation

Play Type:  Run Play

Featured Position:  Quarterback


The QB Sweep is the best way to get your athletic Quarterback out into the open.  Not only does it place your QB in the open field, but this sweep play provides multiple blockers to run out in front of him as lead blockers.

Usually your Quarterback will be one of the more football savvy players, so he should be able to have a good chance to read the blocks as he finds his way to the outside and maneuver downfield.


Formation:  Ace Formation

Play Type:  Run Play

Featured Position:  Quarterback


The Quarterback should take a five-step drop and linger in an upright passing position until his backs have passed in front of his line of sight.  Once his backs are in front of him as lead blockers, he should stick his back foot in the ground and drive down hard behind them, looking for where the hole is naturally opening up in the center of the line of scrimmage.

A good pass fake can create some space and separation at the line of scrimmage as the defensive backfield backs up in fear of a downfield pass.


Formation:  Ace Formation

Play Type:  Run Play

Featured Position:  Quarterback


The key to this play is to set it up with repeated successful QB Sweeps.  Once the defense is over pursuing to the outside in order to catch the Quarterback on the sideline, call the QB Power play to take advantage of their over pursuit.

The Quarterback should begin his trajectory as if he is rolling out for a wide sweep, but then plant his foot hard in the ground and cut straight upfield towards the line and behind the pursuit of the defenders.


Formation:  Ace Formation

Play Type:  Run Play

Featured Position:  Quarterback


This is one of the most high risk high reward running plays in the entire playbook.  If you can bait the defense into getting sucked into the middle by running consecutive inside run plays, then pull out the QB Naked and hope that the entire defense crashes inside after a great fake hand-off to the Running Back.

The Quarterback may find himself all alone on the other side of the field, running up the sideline and into the end zone with nobody around to tackle him.


Formation:  Ace Formation

Play Type:  Run Play,  Trick Play

Featured Position:  Quarterback


This play gives the defense a look that they are not familiar with.  It is a simple blocking concept for the offensive line, but it throws a new look in the backfield to get the ball in the hands of a new play maker with lead blockers out in front of him.

The motion behind the line of scrimmage may bait the defense into thinking it is a reverse, right when the Wingback cuts up into the middle of the field.


Formation:  Ace Formation

Play Type:  Run Play

Featured Position:  Wingback


Send the play flying to the other direction with a Reverse.  Utilize the speed of your Wingback and the lead blocking of your backs to seal the edge and to get outside and up the sideline.

Speed and timing are the names of the game for this play!


Formation:  Ace Formation

Play Type:  Run Play,  Trick Play

Featured Position:  Wingback


If you can implement a successful WR Reverse into your offense, then the WR Reverse Pass play can be a deadly addition.  Once you have the defense scared about the reverse to your speedy Wingback, then you can sneak behind them for an almost automatic touchdown by having the Wingback slow down and throw a pass over their heads.


Formation:  Ace Formation

Play Type:  Pass Play,  Trick Play

Featured Position:  Wingback,  Tight End


Get the ball to the outside quickly with nicely executed out routes.  With your receivers out in the open field, if they can successfully catch the pass, there will only be one defender standing between them and the end zone.


Formation:  Ace Formation

Play Type:  Pass Play

Featured Position:  Quarterback,  Wingback,  Tight End


After you have properly set up the defense with consecutive Quick Out play calls, go for the home run with a double move by calling an Out & Up.

Keep the Quarterback protected long enough for the Receiver to make his way down the sideline and get ready for one of the most exciting throws of the game!


Formation:  Ace Formation

Play Type:  Pass Play,  Trick Play

Featured Position:  Quarterback,  Wingback


Start off your passing tree with the most basic of route concepts; the five yard Stop.  The hardest part of passing the ball in youth football is the limited amount of time the Quarterback has to throw before he is sacked.  This will not be a problem for the Stops play where the Quarterback will get the ball out of his hands quick after a three step drop.


Formation:  Ace Formation

Play Type:  Pass Play

Featured Position:  Quarterback,  Wingback,  Tight End


Use this double move to throw up a deep ball after the defense has started cheating close in on the stop routes.  The keys to this play are a good explosion up field by the receiver after the fake stop, and an accurate throw over the top from the Quarterback.


Formation:  Ace Formation

Play Type:  Pass Play,  Trick Play

Featured Position:  Quarterback,  Wingback


Send a flood to the outside by rolling out your Quarterback to the sideline along with Receivers flowing outside along with him.

The Quarterback will have three options on this play: 1) Throw a Quick out to the Wingback, 2) Throw a Deep Corner to the Tight End, or 3) Keep the ball and run it down the sideline.


Formation:  Ace Formation

Play Type:  Pass Play

Featured Position:  Quarterback,  Wingback,  Tight End


The Hurricane play is a variation of the Flood play where the roles of the Receivers are swapped in order implement the same roll out passing concept, while still giving the defense a different look to keep them on their toes.

The Quarterback has three options on this play: 1) Throw a Quick out to the Tight End, 2) Throw a Deep Corner to the Wingback, or 3) Keep the ball and run it down the sideline.



Formation:  Ace Formation

Play Type:  Pass Play

Featured Position:  Quarterback,  Wingback,  Tight End


After you set up the defense with multiple rollout passing plays, or Quarterback sweep running plays, hit them with this amazing trick play.  The Rollout Throwback plays tempts the defense to flow across with the overall direction of the play.

Once the defense vacates the weak side of the field, your Tight End will release from his fake block and be the only player left standing on the other side of the field.


Formation:  Ace Formation

Play Type:  Pass Play,  Trick Play

Featured Position:  Quarterback,  Tight End


Swings is a great play to get your speedy back to the outside of the field.  Even though it is a short pass, the Quarterback must deliver the ball with precision to the outside so that the back can catch it with his momentum carrying him up field.

Practicing the timing and execution of this play in practice can result in explosive results in games!


Formation:  Ace Formation

Play Type:  Pass Play

Featured Position:  Quarterback,  Running Back


Fake a run up the middle to suck the defense down into the middle of the field, and then throw the ball outside and over their heads with this killer Play Action passing play.

Execute a quick fake hand-off before the throw and the defense won’t know what hit them.


Formation:  Ace Formation

Play Type:  Pass Play

Featured Position:  Quarterback,  Wingback


This is a useful play to get your play makers into the open field so that they can use their talents in space.  Fake a run up the gut of the defense to tempt them into crashing towards the middle, and then toss the ball out wide into the flats.

A good play fake will keep the linebackers in the middle of the field while your backs bounce outside and into the open for a short, high percentage reception on the outside.


Formation:  Ace Formation

Play Type:  Pass Play

Featured Position:  Quarterback,  Running Back,  Wingback


Make a nice Play Action run fake up the middle before popping back to throw it over the heads of the entire defense on a deep fly route.  The defense will think twice before they charge up at the next run play up the middle.

Take this play to the next level by coaching your Wingback to hesitate with a fake block for just a second before exploding deep on his route.


Formation:  Ace Formation

Play Type:  Pass Play

Featured Position:  Quarterback,  Wingback


Shallow Cross is a great way to confuse the defense while still providing your team with a short pass that has a high probability for completion.  With two receivers crossing through the middle of the field, often times there will be at least one of them that breaks free into open space on the other side of the field.  Devoting the rest of the team to pass blocking should give your Quarterback enough time to find the open receiver and throw him the ball.


Formation:  Ace Formation

Play Type:  Pass Play

Featured Position:  Quarterback,  Wingback


Create leverage on the deep safety by making him choose between the two deep seam routes running into the second level. The safety won’t be able to guard both seam routes at the same time, so coach the Quarterback to take a 5-step drop and then deliver the ball to the receiver who is open downfield.


Formation:  Ace Formation

Play Type:  Pass Play

Featured Position:  Quarterback,  Wingback


Running double corner routes is the best way to stretch the defensive secondary to its absolute limits.  Pick on the weakest corner back by throwing the ball up to his side, and let your play makers take advantage of their athleticism on this attempt for a big chunk of yards.


Formation:  Ace Formation

Play Type:  Pass Play

Featured Position:  Quarterback,  Wingback


Get your play makers to the outside quickly by running a quick flat route.  This play should result in a high completion rate, as well as, vast open space for your athletes to operate in once they haul in the pass.

For an added benefit, clear out even more space on the field, by having your Wingback run a seam downfield to draw the attention away from your backs running towards to flats.


Formation:  Ace Formation

Play Type:  Pass Play

Featured Position:  Quarterback,  Running Back,  Fullback,  Wingback


The RB Sweep Pass is one of the most lethal trick plays possible if you have a Running Back that can throw the ball.

Set up the play by making the backfield action look exactly like 28 Sweep.  Then, when the entire defense is crashing down towards the sweep, have the Running Back settle down and throw up a ball to the Wingback who should be wide open behind everyone downfield.


Formation:  Ace Formation

Play Type:  Pass Play,  Trick Play

Featured Position:  Running Back,  Wingback


The RB Sweep Throwback is a deadly trick play for when you have the unique combination of a Running Back who can throw and a Quarterback who can catch.

Set up the play to look like a normal Sweep, but slyly send your QB to the empty side of the field after he pitches the ball.  If the Running Back has time to stop his momentum and throw the ball back across the field to the Quarterback, you can almost surely count on adding points to the scoreboard.


Formation:  Ace Formation

Play Type:  Pass Play,  Trick Play

Featured Position:  Quarterback,  Running Back


This variation of the Hail Mary play sends all the receivers to the same place in the middle of the field in order to give the Quarterback a wide splash down area to throw the ball.

In a desperation situation, chuck up the ball as high and as far as you can in hopes that one of your own players comes down with it.


Formation:  Ace Formation

Play Type:  Pass Play

Featured Position:  Quarterback,  Wingback,  Tight End


This variation of the Hail Mary play preys on youth players’ tendency to follow the pack.  Send all of your players on vertical routes to the right side of the field as a mass decoy, and slip your speedy Running Back out towards the left sideline.

Your odds of a successful Hail Mary are incredibly low, but this Hail Mary Solo play vastly increases your chances if you can sneak your Running Back out into space and get him the ball all alone.


Formation:  Ace Formation

Play Type:  Pass Play

Featured Position:  Quarterback,  Running Back











Run Play
8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109, 110, 111, 134, 135, 136, 137, 138, 139, 140, 141, 142, 143, 144, 145, 146, 147, 148, 149, 150, 151, 152, 153, 176, 177, 178, 179, 180, 181, 182, 183, 184, 185, 186, 187, 188, 189, 190, 191, 192, 193, 194, 195,

Trick Play
25, 27, 28, 30, 32, 35, 44, 45, 67, 69, 70, 72, 74, 77, 86, 87, 109, 111, 112, 114, 116, 119, 128, 129, 151, 153, 154, 156, 158, 161, 170, 171, 193, 195, 196, 198, 200, 203, 212, 213,

Pass Play
28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 112, 113, 114, 115, 116, 117, 118, 119, 120, 121, 122, 123, 124, 125, 126, 127, 128, 129, 130, 131, 154, 155, 156, 157, 158, 159, 160, 161, 162, 163, 164, 165, 166, 167, 168, 169, 170, 171, 172, 173, 196, 197, 198, 199, 200, 201, 202, 203, 204, 205, 206, 207, 208, 209, 210, 211, 212, 213, 214, 215,

Running Back
8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 36, 38, 43, 44, 45, 47, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 78, 80, 85, 86, 87, 89, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 110, 111, 112, 120, 122, 127, 128, 129, 131, 134, 135, 136, 137, 138, 139, 140, 141, 142, 143, 162, 164, 169, 170, 171, 173, 176, 177, 178, 179, 180, 181, 182, 183, 184, 185, 204, 206, 211, 212, 213, 215,

18, 19, 20, 36, 38, 43, 60, 61, 62, 78, 80, 85, 102, 103, 104, 120, 122, 127, 211,

21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 45, 46, 47, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 87, 88, 89, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109, 113, 114, 115, 116, 117, 118, 119, 120, 121, 122, 123, 124, 125, 126, 127, 129, 130, 131, 147, 148, 149, 150, 151, 155, 156, 157, 158, 159, 160, 161, 162, 163, 164, 165, 166, 167, 168, 169, 171, 172, 173, 189, 190, 191, 192, 193, 197, 198, 199, 200, 201, 202, 203, 204, 205, 206, 207, 208, 209, 210, 211, 213, 214, 215,

26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 37, 39, 40, 41, 42, 44, 46, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 79, 81, 82, 83, 84, 86, 88, 114, 115, 116, 144, 145, 146, 152, 153, 154, 155, 156, 157, 158, 159, 160, 163, 164, 165, 166, 167, 168, 169, 170, 172, 186, 187, 188, 194, 195, 196, 197, 198, 199, 200, 201, 202, 205, 206, 207, 208, 209, 210, 211, 212, 214,

Tight End
28, 29, 31, 33, 34, 35, 40, 41, 42, 46, 70, 71, 73, 75, 76, 77, 82, 83, 84, 88, 112, 113, 115, 117, 118, 119, 121, 123, 124, 125, 126, 128, 130, 154, 155, 157, 159, 160, 161, 172, 196, 197, 199, 201, 202, 203, 214,
8 - 22 Dive (I)
9 - 24 Blast (I)
10 - 26 Off-Tackle (I)
11 - 28 Sweep (I)
12 - 23 Counter (I)
13 - 25 Cutback (I)
14 - 29 Weak Sweep (I)
15 - 26 Power Counter (I)
16 - 21 Double Dive (I)
17 - 32 Double Dive (I)
18 - 31 FB Dive (I)
19 - 32 FB Fake Sweep (I)
20 - 33 FB Counter (I)
21 - 10 QB Sneak (I)
22 - 18 QB Sweep (I)
23 - 12 QB Draw (I)
24 - 16 QB Power (I)
25 - 19 QB Naked (I)
26 - WR Power (I)
27 - WR Reverse (I)
28 - WR Reverse Pass (I)
29 - Quick Outs (I)
30 - Out & Up (I)
31 - Stops (I)
32 - Stop & Go (I)
33 - Flood (I)
34 - Hurricane (I)
35 - Rollout Throwback (I)
36 - Swings (I)
37 - PA Corner (I)
38 - PA Flats (I)
39 - PA Fly (I)
40 - Shallow Cross (I)
41 - Seams (I)
42 - Smash (I)
43 - Flats (I)
44 - RB Sweep Pass (I)
45 - RB Sweep Throwback (I)
46 - Hail Mary (I)
47 - Hail Mary Solo (I)

---- -----
---- Pro Formation
50 - 22 Dive (Pro)
51 - 24 Blast (Pro)
52 - 26 Off-Tackle (Pro)
53 - 28 Sweep (Pro)
54 - 23 Counter (Pro)
55 - 25 Cutback (Pro)
56 - 29 Weak Sweep (Pro)
57 - 26 Power Counter (Pro)
58 - 21 Double Dive (Pro)
59 - 32 Double Dive (Pro)
60 - 31 FB Dive (Pro)
61 - 32 FB Fake Sweep (Pro)
62 - 33 FB Counter (Pro)
63 - 10 QB Sneak (Pro)
64 - 18 QB Sweep (Pro)
65 - 12 QB Draw (Pro)
66 - 16 QB Power (Pro)
67 - 19 QB Naked (Pro)
68 - WR Power (Pro)
69 - WR Reverse (Pro)
70 - WR Reverse Pass (Pro)
71 - Quick Outs (Pro)
72 - Out & Up (Pro)
73 - Stops (Pro)
74 - Stop & Go (Pro)
75 - Flood (Pro)
76 - Hurricane (Pro)
77 - Rollout Throwback (Pro)
78 - Swings (Pro)
79 - PA Corner (Pro)
80 - PA Flats (Pro)
81 - PA Fly (Pro)
82 - Shallow Cross (Pro)
83 - Seams (Pro)
84 - Smash (Pro)
85 - Flats (Pro)
86 - RB Sweep Pass (Pro)
87 - RB Sweep Throwback (Pro)
88 - Hail Mary (Pro)
89 - Hail Mary Solo (Pro)

---- -----
---- Wishbone Formation
92 - 22 Dive (Wishbone)
93 - 24 Blast (Wishbone)
94 - 26 Off-Tackle (Wishbone)
95 - 28 Sweep (Wishbone)
96 - 23 Counter (Wishbone)
97 - 25 Cutback (Wishbone)
98 - 29 Weak Sweep (Wishbone)
99 - 26 Power Counter (Wishbone)
100 - 21 Double Dive (Wishbone)
101 - 32 Double Dive (Wishbone)
102 - 31 FB Dive (Wishbone)
103 - 32 FB Fake Sweep (Wishbone)
104 - 33 FB Counter (Wishbone)
105 - 10 QB Sneak (Wishbone)
106 - 18 QB Sweep (Wishbone)
107 - 12 QB Draw (Wishbone)
108 - 16 QB Power (Wishbone)
109 - 19 QB Naked (Wishbone)
110 - WR Power (Wishbone)
111 - WR Reverse (Wishbone)
112 - WR Reverse Pass (Wishbone)
113 - Quick Outs (Wishbone)
114 - Out & Up (Wishbone)
115 - Stops (Wishbone)
116 - Stop & Go (Wishbone)
117 - Flood (Wishbone)
118 - Hurricane (Wishbone)
119 - Rollout Throwback (Wishbone)
120 - Swings (Wishbone)
121 - PA Corner (Wishbone)
122 - PA Flats (Wishbone)
123 - PA Fly (Wishbone)
124 - Shallow Cross (Wishbone)
125 - Seams (Wishbone)
126 - Smash (Wishbone)
127 - Flats (Wishbone)
128 - RB Sweep Pass (Wishbone)
129 - RB Sweep Throwback (Wishbone)
130 - Hail Mary (Wishbone)
131 - Hail Mary Solo (Wishbone)

---- -----
---- Wing-T Formation
134 - 22 Dive (Wing-T)
135 - 24 Blast (Wing-T)
136 - 26 Off-Tackle (Wing-T)
137 - 28 Sweep (Wing-T)
138 - 23 Counter (Wing-T)
139 - 25 Cutback (Wing-T)
140 - 29 Weak Sweep (Wing-T)
141 - 26 Power Counter (Wing-T)
142 - 21 Double Dive (Wing-T)
143 - 32 Double Dive (Wing-T)
144 - 31 FB Dive (Wing-T)
145 - 32 FB Fake Sweep (Wing-T)
146 - 33 FB Counter (Wing-T)
147 - 10 QB Sneak (Wing-T)
148 - 18 QB Sweep (Wing-T)
149 - 12 QB Draw (Wing-T)
150 - 16 QB Power (Wing-T)
151 - 19 QB Naked (Wing-T)
152 - WR Power (Wing-T)
153 - WR Reverse (Wing-T)
154 - WR Reverse Pass (Wing-T)
155 - Quick Outs (Wing-T)
156 - Out & Up (Wing-T)
157 - Stops (Wing-T)
158 - Stop & Go (Wing-T)
159 - Flood (Wing-T)
160 - Hurricane (Wing-T)
161 - Rollout Throwback (Wing-T)
162 - Swings (Wing-T)
163 - PA Corner (Wing-T)
164 - PA Flats (Wing-T)
165 - PA Fly (Wing-T)
166 - Shallow Cross (Wing-T)
167 - Seams (Wing-T)
168 - Smash (Wing-T)
169 - Flats (Wing-T)
170 - RB Sweep Pass (Wing-T)
171 - RB Sweep Throwback (Wing-T)
172 - Hail Mary (Wing-T)
173 - Hail Mary Solo (Wing-T)

---- -----
---- Ace Formation
176 - 22 Dive (Ace)
177 - 24 Blast (Ace)
178 - 26 Off-Tackle (Ace)
179 - 28 Sweep (Ace)
180 - 23 Counter (Ace)
181 - 25 Cutback (Ace)
182 - 29 Weak Sweep (Ace)
183 - 26 Power Counter (Ace)
184 - 21 Double Dive (Ace)
185 - 32 Double Dive (Ace)
186 - 31 FB Dive (Ace)
187 - 32 FB Fake Sweep (Ace)
188 - 33 FB Counter (Ace)
189 - 10 QB Sneak (Ace)
190 - 18 QB Sweep (Ace)
191 - 12 QB Draw (Ace)
192 - 16 QB Power (Ace)
193 - 19 QB Naked (Ace)
194 - WR Power (Ace)
195 - WR Reverse (Ace)
196 - WR Reverse Pass (Ace)
197 - Quick Outs (Ace)
198 - Out & Up (Ace)
199 - Stops (Ace)
200 - Stop & Go (Ace)
201 - Flood (Ace)
202 - Hurricane (Ace)
203 - Rollout Throwback (Ace)
204 - Swings (Ace)
205 - PA Corner (Ace)
206 - PA Flats (Ace)
207 - PA Fly (Ace)
208 - Shallow Cross (Ace)
209 - Seams (Ace)
210 - Smash (Ace)
211 - Flats (Ace)
212 - RB Sweep Pass (Ace)
213 - RB Sweep Throwback (Ace)
214 - Hail Mary (Ace)
215 - Hail Mary Solo (Ace)

---- -----
---- Index